MRC Language Solutions
MRC Language Solutions
Privacy Policy

At MRC we are committed to protecting your data and privacy. We have written this data protection guide to ensure that you are fully aware of your rights, how and why we collect information from you, to whom such information is disclosed.

What information do we collect and how do we obtain it?

We receive information when you complete any of the forms on our website. In order to protect your data, we need to know your name, email address, telephone number and country of residence.

How do we use your information?

We may use your information as follows:

  • To provide a quotation, our services or assistance with your enquiry.
  • To disclose information about you to any relevant governmental or legal body if they require it
  • To monitor site usage to help us develop the design and layout of the site.
  • We may wish to inform you about business enhancements or additional services

How do we protect your information?

We protect your information in the following ways:

  • We will not request information which we do not require
  • We will ensure that we keep any information you send us up to date and accurate
  • We will delete any information about you that is no longer relevant.
  • We will protect your data against any unauthorised access and use

Receipt of Information

If you do not wish to continue being contacted by MRC, please write to:

MRC Language Solutions
43 Admiral Way
Surrey ,

You have the right to see personal information which is held about you or your company upon written request.


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Your Consent

By completing any of our website contact forms, you are consenting to the collection, processing and use of this information by MRC.

Last revision: April 2008

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